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Modding issue: Bright red circle lights at night and navmesh issues!


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So I've installed quite a few mods, and now right when I finished fixing my 30th issue this new one comes up. A bright red blinding light always comes from these fences around towns. And always at night. They disappear during the day.


I took a screenshot of the day and night in the same place.

1: https://puu.sh/AJMyr/3ab66a883e.png

2: https://puu.sh/AJMA0/34f287cecd.png


Also, I'm having a few navmesh isses with the roads inbetween riverwood and whiterun. Some NPCs, including companions, will get stuck (nothing is in their way, the just stop moving) in certain points of the road. I didn't screenshot it though, but if needed I'll gladly go back and blind my eyes for a few seconds to get a screenshot.


I tried getting rid of things like ELFX thinking it was a lighting issue but now my guess is a texture/mesh issue. These two problems might be similar, I think they both come from the town overhaul mods I have. But so far all I've been doing in fiddling with load orders, to no avail.


Here is my mod and plugin list, and I use PhotoRealistic Tamriel ENB.



So let me know what you guys think, because I'm quite stumped.

Edited by Link941
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Right off the bat I see a few things wrong:


*ELFX - Exteriors.esp
*ELFX - Weathers.esp

You have 2 weather mods: NAT and ELFX Weathers. You need to pick one!

ELFX Exteriors is quite buggy, people reported many abnormalies (missing brazier fires). I personally found missing brazier fire in Whiterun, and extremely bright Riverrun at night. So you are much better off without it.

ELE must be placed below ELFX. You may need to put *EnhancedLightsandFX.esp on top with ELFX Exterrior and Weather under (if you insist on keeping them).

*Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB - Flame Atronach Fix.esp

Is this old Skyrim mod? You better not risk playing with Form 43 mods. There will be price to pay!

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