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Skyrim-Wagon Travel.


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I was wondering: if it is possible, wouldn't it be cool to be able to travel across Skyrim in an actual wagon(like in the start of the game), and if it is possible to make such a thing, it would be awsome to make escort quests, or casual bandid raids while you are traveling in the wagon(or wagon caravans).
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OP, that mod already exists (it was, seemingly, originally intended by Bethesda for carriages to function like that). There are two that do it: ScenicCarriages by Sollar here on the Nexus (and also available on Steam Workshop), and also Real Carriages by Kurt Kuhlman (a Bethesda designer) which is unfortunately only available on the Steam Workshop. Both build upon unused code and voice acting that are in the game files, but in general I find that ScenicCarriages is less buggy, but Real Carriages has more voice-acted comments by the carriage driver. Sollar seems to update more frequently and communicate more clearly than Kurt, however.


http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=15094 That's ScenicCarriages. Real Carriages can easily be found by searching for 'Real Carriages' within the Steam Workshop.

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