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NMM New Game Interhration


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I am looking for help/info on who to talk to about getting a new game added to the NMM or Vortex. The game is Wurm Unlimited. How can we get WU (Wurm Unlimited) into the mod manager installer? Players seem to have a tough time installing mods to this game and it would really help if we could intergrade that. I have made an installer myself for the game but it cannot find the folder by itself like the NMM and Vortex. I can assist in integrating the game if needed.

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I would never be one to recommend PMing Tannin. He has enough on his plate.


Open Vortex, click on three dots in upper right corner, and select Send Feedback.

Title your message as Feature Request, and say what you said here.

It will still wind up with Tannin, but at least it is all sorted in with all the other feature requests.

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What is involved adding a mod to the game? Is it sufficient to copy some files somewhere or do you have to edit configuration files and such to get them working?


Adding game support to vortex only involves writing a small javascript script, like the ones for factorio, no mans sky and so on here: https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/vortex-games


If a game aficionado does create his own javascript support script, what is the best way for him to contribute it to the repository? Or does this imply support issues you don't want to deal with? Looks like those people who want a niche game supported are the best ones to come up with it.

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That was actually one of the main reasons we wanted Vortex to be as modular as possible: The people actually modding a game are certain to have a better idea what they need than we do.


There is two ways to distribute a game extension really. Either you fork our github repo ( the vortex-games one), add your game support extension and then send a pull request so we integrate it or you develop the extension independently, upload it to https://www.nexusmods.com/site and ask your users to get it from there.


At some point we plan to provide a nice ui for users to add extensions (as well as translations and themes) from inside vortex and most likely we'll use https://www.nexusmods.com/site as the repository for that.

For now the first variant is simpler for the users obviously while the second one gives you more flexibility since you don't depend on us when you want to release an update.

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