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Trouble Positioning Objects?


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I Can't position objects at all can someone explain it to me. I try to place objects down and they are always crooked or Really awkward looking. So my question is how do you properly position things such as furniture to make them look normal like all the rest of the furniture in my house?
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Are you talking about positioning in the CK?

Open the cell in "Cell View" window, select the item that you're are positioning from the list "Editor ID". Then right click and select "Edit". A window will open with X, Y, and Z coords for position and rotation.

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If you want to move an object in only one direction, hold X, Y or Z and drag the object with your mouse.


To turn an object, click it and press 'W'. Three coloured circles will appear. Drag the circles to turn the object.


By hitting 'F' the object will move to the ground, or the nearest surface.

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