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CBP vs BBP? What's the difference?


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Hi there, sorry if this is in the wrong place or if it's simply a dumb question. I'm totally new to the physics aspect of Skyrim modding. I can't find ANY answers anywhere so I'm forced to ask. What's the difference between CBP and BBP? Are they the same thing? If not, can I use both at once? If I can't use both at once, can I choose one and use mods designed for both? Thanks in advance.

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Just different methods to achieve physics. The hottest one right now is HDT, rather complex, works on many outfits, with collision. I am using CBP because it is accessible to me (without performance cost), it is simpler, just bouncing stuff, with no collision. CBP requires a proper skeleton file and a SKSE extension. I play on Skyrim SE so I use SKSE64

Take a look at CBP

I can't find Skyrim's version of it. This version shown here will not work with old Skyrim.

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