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How enemies level with you


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I would like to know, which enemies level with your character, and how does it work? Are they at your level, or do they trail behind your level a bit (For example, if you are level 20, a bandit may be level 15)? Is there a level cap for enemies? Are the level caps different for different types of enemies? Also, which enemies level with you, and which don't? Bandits level with you, right? Do Automatons level with you, or are they at a set level with set amounts of HP?
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Practically everything in the game levels with you. You may not reach the point where you are tougher than everything until level 50 or 60. Many enemies are set up so that there are like six kinds of enemies ranging from level 1 to level 45. Each individual of one of the six kinds would always be that particular level, such as level 1, but the leveled lists choose the enemy that best matches your level at a given time.
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hi Dubnoman, some info on what's going on with enemies/leveling, also check the Skyrim Guide if you have it.


Unlike Oblivion where all enemies level up with you as far as i remember, only a few Skyrim enemies level up while others remain at

a certain level and go no higher.

Kinda wish Bethesda devs didn't decide to change from the original Oblivion leveling scheme to the Skyrim 'leveling list' of enemies,

makes keeping things balanced difficult when you reach levels over 50 unless you mod the game, i guess they had their reasons.


Only these Skyrim enemies continue to level up with you after you reach their base level:

Dremora - (not churl, caitliff, kynval, kynreeve, markynaz or valkynaz) this excludes the conjure dremora Lord who is set at level 30.

Alduin - (only dragon that levels with you).

Hunter - (human and you find them in world encounters and can buy meat/hide from them).

Imperial and Stormcloak soldiers.


Every other enemy has a set level but do not raise above that level unless that enemy is unique to the species.

When certain enemy types appear is controlled by the game and based on your level.

An example, a mammoth will always be level 38 and a frost troll level 22 and have a weaker troll level 14 cousin; but,

even if you're a level 1 you'll probably still encounter a mammoth/troll/giant; however, you'll only see a vampire fledgling at level 1,

at level 28 you'll see a vampire nightstalker instead.

So, depending on your level the Skyrim game engine will often present different higher level versions of the enemies.


Even though you constantly level higher you'll always come across lower level varieties which is usually mixed in with high level varieties.

(some info referenced from unokitsune over at http://forums.uesp.net)

Edited by xlcr
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