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My Blood Script


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Ok, I need to have my blood decal lifetime go to 0 when I'm in interiors. And then set it back to 120 seconds when I'm not in interiors. First off, I'm not sure if it needs to be an object, quest, or magic effect script. I just want my mod to run the command console line "setini "fDecalLifetime:Display" 0.0000 and then the same thing but with a 120.0000 .... What am I doing and/or understanding wrong, here's what I have:


Begin OnStartCombat player

If ( Player.IsInInterior == 1 )

setini "fDecalLifetime:Display" 0.0000

ElseIf ( Player.IsInInterior == 0 )

setini "fDecalLifetime:Display" 120.0000




If you're wondering why I need to do this, I have a few other posts about requesting a blood mod because of my interior flickering.

Edited by Craytose
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A couple of problems with that script...


Unless I am mistaken, SetIni is a console function that doesn't work in scripts. There is an OBSE function that replicates it though: con_SetINISetting.


The Begin OnStartCombat block should be attached to an NPC - it runs only when that particular NPC starts combat (and if you include the parameter player, then only when that NPC starts combat with the player). Probably not what you need.


Instead, use Begin GameMode. GameMode blocks can either be attached to an item (which makes it run every frame) or a Quest (which defaults as once every 5 seconds, but this can be changed). I'd say for your needs, a quest script would be better and updating every 5 seconds should be frequent enough.


Create a dummy quest, set it to Start Game Enabled and assign your script to it and it should check and update your ini settings every 5 seconds. :)

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Thank you! Got it made! Now at least I can play the game halfway immersive till someone actually tries to write that blood mod that I was asking about. You're the only person on the forums to reply to me and my problems with this, I really appreciate it, not only that but you helped me at least get this script working for what I guess is "technically" my first ever own personal mod I made :thumbsup:
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Congrats on your first mod! You found a workaround (blood decal lifetime) to a problem that no-one seems to know how to fix (shimmering blood). You taught yourself how to do some scripting and got it working. That shows resourcefulness. :thumbsup:
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