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Break down Equipment


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I'll admit maybe I'm a noob, but I did 3 different searches here, and on google but I all I found was smithing and smithing perk overhauls. Could you point me to a couple that mention the recovery of components?
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I'm pretty sure I read on a "recommended Skyrim mods list" that there is a mod like this. Forgot what's it called though and I don't remember where exactly I read about it either. But I can tell you this - I'm pretty sure something like this already exists.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I managed to find the mod you're looking for, it's called Vals Crafting Meltdown.


and before you do, read this

for the people that didn't catch it...(which there seems to be quite a few of...)...Valdosa has for the time being abandoned this mod since March, and so probably won't be implementing any of your suggestions.


However epbreen and I have both taken up the idea, albeit going in different directions...


epbreen's can be found here:


it's just like vals, but more streamlined, and up to date, but with no clutter smelting

mine is at:


and I've basically thrown everything into the fire, weapons, armor, clothes, clutter, small mammals (kidding)...but no arrows, because every arrow crafting mod I have tried also has a breakdown.


We are both however still taking requests and bug reports. Maybe one day Val will come back (he was pretty pissed, and rightly so....same friggin question 5 posts in a row...nobody reads previous posts)

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