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Smoke remover


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As title says, the smoke in this game gives some really BAD performance on AMD cards, namely I drop 30 fps when in Whiterun with all the smoke that's around. I know there's a fog remover mod, but I'm explicitly asking for a smoke remover, not a fog remover, as that doesn't hurt fps the littlest bit and is really immersive.

I believe that the files to remove are in the meshes somewhere, but I just can't find them and I've never modded anything, don't even know where to start.


Thanks everyone

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There is clearly something wrong with my request because even when I asked for a specific mod about smoke on other boards, I got the same answer. It must be my bad english, and I apologize for that.

To make it clear, I want this smoke removed




I understand what you mean. IN GAME SMOKE FROM FIRES. It's not hard to understand peoples.

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I'm no modder but I'm trying to work on this by myself in the mean time, I opened this thread to ask for the meshes location but still no luck.

I found out that the reason I can't find them is because they probably are in the same meshes as the braziers, which would explain why the fog remover mod doesn't remove them aswell and why I can't find any smoke mesh anywhere

I'm leaving this open in the case a modder with actual skill is feeling like doing it, meanwhile if you know anything that could help me, refer to the topic in the Troubleshooting section

Edited by Cozzolino92
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  • 1 year later...

This thread is a bit old, but I would kill for something to reduce or remove smoke in interior locations. I swear, some places are like wading through the place being on fire. I have searched high and low. Failed to find anything that worked so far. I found several "fog" reducers or removers, but nothing for smoke. I thought maybe I had too much smoke from using fire improvement mods, but I totally removed them and still being smoked out!

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