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Tribunal Royal Guard Armour.


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Hi there,


Anyone who played TES3: Tribunal would have remembered the distinctive looking Tribunal guards who guarded King Helseth. They wore these reddish-purple medium armour called the Royal Guard Armour. Here's a picture of them in Morrowind:




This armour was also being made for Oblivion, since it was so good. Thanks to themythofanst:




So I thought that this armour would be a worthy and lore-friendly addon to the world of Skyrim. I would be really thankful for any modder who tries to make this. :D


Thanks in advance,



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This is the one you mean I assume


Shouldnt be too hard for someone who knows how to port it over but then again I could be wrong, but it looks like it uses some assets from the oblivion steel plate so porting it could be illegal

Yes, that's the one I mean. An awesome remake imho, fits Oblivion very well. It looks like themythofanst did use the shoulder plates from the steel armour. Porting them to Skyrim could be illegal, though I'm not sure on this. The rest of the chestpiece doesn't seem to relate to any of the other Oblivion armours that come to mind. So I imagine that just porting the whole set to skyrim, then modifying the shoulder plates would be enough to legalize the port...

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