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Generate LOD. is it broken if not


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K so my projet has gotten to a point now were i am going to be uploading the first explorable version of it. Atm i am generating the LOD but it seems to have frozen, i know it does normally freeze doing this, it says so lol, but after 2 hours its still frozen, task man says its still running and does not say not responding so it must still be doing its thing. That said does any one have a rough estimate how long it can take?

cheers all. grim

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last time i had to regenerate ALL the LOD in oblivion, to merge all the castle mods (over 30),new settlements,open better cities,unique landscapes and 300 others ¬¬ it took over 8 hours on a core2duo with 4gb ram..not sure how much it takes in skyrim, but that should give you an idea
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cheers dude, id gues that it will take about that long on my project, i have over 400 wilderness/town/coast cells. Funny enough i have a core 2 duo and a 4gb ram to so thats easy enough to work out timmings lol.
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