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Family Mod


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To start this off, I used to play the sims allot before skyrim... and occasionally, I feel an urge to play the sims, yet the urge to

play skyrim is too overpowering. What I would like to see is a skyrim mod that allows you to have kids and actually support your

family. I posted this ages ago for oblivion, but i feel it deserves a new chance. Such a mod would feature:


  • Have a child: This can be as simple as have a random chance of sleeping in your house with your spouse or by option if you
    sleep with your spouse. A few days later... BOOM... a baby. Then you can name it as you would a freshly plucked sim.
  • Raise a child: For a few days the baby will just be an inanimate object that you bring food to. Your spouse takes care of most of it.
    A few days later they become a child, they may develop a taste for certain foods so you can look for certain things on the hunt.
    Bonus if you can experience precious moments in the childs life such as first words etc. When they grow up, you can have them hunt
    with you and be a follower if they are so inclined
  • Support your family: There should be a storage cupboard for food and wine and such. But it should be essential that you bring home
    hunted or purchased food to begin with. There should be regular costs to upkeep as well.


Those are a few thoughts, but any other ideas would be welcome.

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I think that would be possible. Easy to do if you had the baby immediately spawn in a crib and not have to really get into new animations for it all.


As for the food, it would probably be good to use a hunger mod in addition to the custom one.


Anyway what you are asking is doable. It would be a bit of work, but definitely possible and not necessarily hard to do in my opinion.

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