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Crashing At Whiterun


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I am running a modded skyrim game and I am crashing when I go near whiterun. I am hoping people here can help me.

I used LOOT to organise it but I dont know what is wrong.

Load order:






Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch


Touring Carriages

Shiva's Beautification of Unique NPCs

Amazing Follower Tweaks

Relationship Dialogue Overhaul

JKs Skyrim


Settlements Expanded

Man Those Borders

Populated lands Roads paths Legendary

AFT - Dragonborn Patch

Dont Show headgears

Shields of the Hold



Vilja Skyrim

Dogs Of Skyrim

Run for Your Lives





Populated Cities Town Villages legendary


Immserive patrols II

Oriel Follower

Hold Riders

Shivas vanilla hair replacer

Provincial Courier Service

haouscarls Have Lives

Skyrim Flora overhaul


RDO - AFT Patch

Convenient horses

the Paarthanax Dilemma


garm the husky companion

Public Executions

Imperial Soldier Escort Fix

Simple Actions


order My Items


Chesko Wearable lanterns

Dont Show headgear (Dragonpriest masks, hats, helmets, hoods, UpdateDb) (5 seperate mods in load order)

Faction Crossbows


mannequin Stay Put


Vilja in Soulsteim

Warmer guards SSE

RDO - USSEp Patch

Realistic Water two

Jks Skyrim RWT patch

I would appreciate any help possible

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These two mods should be in the end loadorder and not at the top.


Amazing Follower Tweaks
Relationship Dialogue Overhaul
As for your issue I dunno what mod(s) that could cause a CTD in your game, perhaps someone else know what mod it is.


According to LOOT, my AFT is somewhere around 28th place, about right at the top in my load order. And I think it works fine. RDO should be below AFT, yep. The Load Order looks ok (doesn't mean it's good, but only mean I cannot find anything wrong with it right now).


Question for OP, if you crash at Whiterun .... how did you progress in the game? Have you (at least in this save) been to Whiterun before? Where exactly did you crash? Approaching Whiterun from afar? Did you see the Companions taking out a troll? Did you CTD near the gate? Or after you entered Whiterun? Is it consistent every single time?


I am surprised you don't have something like XPMSSE Skeleton. Nothing is wrong with that. But it is required (at least the skeleton file) for many other mods. The installation of XPMSSE was tricky and caused me CTD before.


I know the Papyrus log file doesn't tell a complete story. But did you look into the log file? Anything with a lot of repeat? What does the last page of the log say?

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