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Men's Body Hair Mods? Beards?


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It's weird how TES4 has male characters with almost NO facial or body hair. I want some mods to fix that.
I found a great mod that gives beards to NPCs, but I'm struggling to find any mods that gives the player character any facial hair. It's also weird how there's not body hair mods either! I'm not even looking for adult modes, it's just weird for them to be so hairless.

I found this one good modders' pack, but I'm not knowledgeable enough to use it.
Attached is a very tiny picture of one of the DDS image files attached in the pack that I wanted to use, but sadly cannot.cbgsx-viqdw.png

Edited by chesnaughtii
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Roberts Male version 5.2 includes some body hair variations. Look at the level 50 folders in the BAIN download.
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LOL ... take a look back in the Roberts Male mod comments (around Christmas of 2016 if I recall correctly) where I gave a step by step on how to give the player character a unique body mesh using Blockhead. The same method can be used for body textures (read the Blockhead readme or ask here if you need more info).
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