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Long Load Times in Skyrim [Fix]


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I was getting abnormally long load times in Skyrim for a long time, even after reinstalling the game. A passing comment made by Boris Vorontsov in one of his ENB files tipped me off about the actual problem. I tested what he said, and it works.


Apparently capping your framerate can cause issues with load times. This is a disappointing bug, to be sure. Many people require capped framerates to cope with Skyrim's stutter on medium to low cpus. I almost always had my framerate capped to 30 through Nvidia Inspector, and sure enough, it caused load times up to 7 minutes long.


I don't know if most people are already aware of this, but in case someone else has this issue, here's this thread. Nobody seemed to know when I was asking about it before, so there's reason to suspect that many people don't know how to fix it. Alt+tabbing out of Skyrim is a quick fix, but that also leads to invisible fire and invisible water in some cases, so it's not a reliable fix.


The good news is if you can find a way to switch off framerate caps on the fly, you can avoid this bug without causing graphical errors. I currently use an ENB mod with a capped framerate of 30 (used to cap at 16 :wallbash: but I got sick of that and decided to deal with more stutter instead). I switch the cap off using shift+home during load screens, and I switch it back on once it finishes loading.


None of this would really be a problem if Bethesda made a game with less stutter to begin with, but every game from them since Oblivion has had this issue so there's no reason to suspect it's going away. I'm not blaming Bethesda for low performance; I can run Skyrim on ultra without ever dropping below 55 fps. The performance of Skyrim is fine. But the stutter doesn't go away for many people no matter what they do, making the lack of a stable framerate capper distressing for many.


Anyway, hopefully I cleared this up a bit. At least now you can choose between unstable framerates and long load times.

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  • 1 month later...

Finally! I've been having this same problem and it annoyed the f**k out of me, it takes 2 minutes to get into whiterun :wallbash: . I wonder if there is a fix for this, because without limiting fps my game is basically unplayable. Fml.


The best you can do is set it somewhere between 32 and 35.

Edited by thegreatnexusman
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  • 3 months later...
Interesting, I also have these very long loading times. But I dont have a FPS Capper enabled, at least I think so. Where can look for this. In my ENB Settings there is no FPS cap activated. I also dont have much stutter on my machine what so ever, just very long loading times when using a lot of mods /?
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Depending on your drivers, you can go through that. For example, if you have Geforce drivers you can use NVidia Inspector, just look for the line that says framerate and change it. You can also adjust framerate through EVGA Precision, etc. Finally you can download FRAPS and go through that.
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Just wanted to say thanks for this post. I was having horrible load times (10 minute fast traveling, 2-3 minute into cities, and 1+ minute buildings). After limiting my frame rate to 35 things load so much faster (2-3 minute fast traveling, 10-45 seconds into cities, and less than 15 seconds for buildings). I have only been playing Skyrim for about two weeks now and I was about to stop because I was spending more time waiting then playing (i.e. Thieves Guild Quests).


So, thanks. Following your post made my game play much more tolerable.

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What drivers do you have? If you have NVidia, you can download NVidia Inspector and pull up Skyrim....scroll down and you will see Fps limiter. Just change to 35.

I have EVGA-manufactured NVidia, so I use EVGA's Precidion...That also has a fps limiter.

I think Riva Tuner and MSI Afterburner do as well. What you choose would depend on your drivers and manufacturer.

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