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First day in Minecraft, in a nutshell


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It depends on what your focus was in Survival back then, though. I just wanted to collect, build, and sometimes explore for new places to build, but sill have the dangers out in the wilds. In other words, there isn't an in-between for Creative and Survival, and honestly that's what I would really like to see instead of what seems like two extremes. Edited by ziitch
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It depends on what your focus was in Survival back then, though. I just wanted to collect, build, and sometimes explore for new places to build, but sill have the dangers out in the wilds. In other words, there isn't an in-between for Creative and Survival, and honestly that's what I would really like to see instead of what seems like two extremes.

That's where mods come in. There are several mods out there which can kinda bridge the two by giving you access to new materials and ways to get materials, but at the cost of other materials. For example,


Equivalent Exchange has a minimum requirement of diamonds and nether access before you can really start, but after that point you can turn blocks and items into other blocks and items based on their EMC value, or a numerical "energy" value based on how common that material typically is. So you can dump in a stack of cobblestone and get a few pieces of obsidian, or a piece of iron for a few stacks of sand. The mod also comes with several power items that let you directly change dirt to cobble to sand to smooth stone, fly at the cost of using up stored energy, clear out a 3x3x16 area at the cost of energy, repair items, make lava/water, speed up plant growth, turn water to ice, and a dozen other features. This essentially bridges between the two by slowly unlocking various aspects of "creative mode" abilities, but only by working toward them in a survival setting.


Thaumcraft has a similar premise, but is more skewed towards the survival side of things, with a magic twist. You use crystals and an sort of inherent energy found in items, and use that to create items of power, various devices, magic circles, with a cost of corrupting the environment. TC also stops short of giving the player any sort of godly power as even power items have a fairly low durability, or constantly have to be recharged.


And there are others which do it in differing ways.

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No, those mods won't do - Remember, I didn't play Survival for the gameplay, so new gameplay additions aren't what I would be looking for. If it says anything, I'm more interested in the "dangerous sandbox" mode that was pre-1.8 Survival more than what these mods have to offer. If Mojang would acknowledge the gap they created, and make a mode that bridges this gap that plays like pre-1.8 but with some of the new items/elements still present, then just perhaps I would be interested in the game again.
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