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Missing textures ouside Whiterun


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Try turning off the enb and see if that does anything. If it fixes it, then it's a problem with lighting (most missing textures are pink, btw).


Are you using the 2k HD textures and Serious HD? If so, remember that serious HD is a landscape overhaul and 2k has a landscape overhaul - don't use the 2k landscape if that's the case as it might cause problems.


edit: I see a graphic tear in there too. Maybe you're running your video card too hard? I don't know what you have, but if it's an older card then it could be case as well.

Edited by vertex23
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Thanks for the reply!



I restarted the game recently and after I took Whiterun with the Stormcloaks the textures reappeared. I did turn off the ENB prior to this though. I will experiment a little more with this.


Yes, I run 2k mostly for cities/architecture and Serious HD 1k for landsape. I have a single 6870 2GB card.

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