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textures and meshes issues


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something strange happen in my game :

i have 172 mod installed and all runing together,but when i try to install another mod,the 173,

my game have texture bug and some exclamation point to a few things and this is very annoying!

(i mean when i reach to install the 173's mod ,who could be this one or any another diferent mod,textures and meshes problem happen, if i uninstall the latest mod, all turn back to normal)

i do not understand what could be the problem...and if someone know something about this problem,please tell me i really need help (or suggestion too).


(i try archive invalided and nothing better)

sorry for disturb or inconvenience about this but now i'm in a complete loss with that!


i was thinking maybe i reach the amount of possible files to be installed in nv so maybe this can causing the trouble,could be this?

(limit seems to be 255 mod,i'm not to the limit aparently or does it's the amount of meshes and textures file too?)

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thanks for your answer luthienanarion,


things goes clear now,you confirm what i was thinking about...you seem to know what you are talking about so i must trust you : i reach the limit!

you will be surprised that all my 172 mods running well together (maybe one freeze or one ctd time to time (really not much) but this is normal

(i deactivated only area 51 plugin cause the use of same terrain space with warzone)

i'm no kidding,my game works!(also i use nv configator to enhance performance and also nvedit to avoid conflict,and yes not perfectly but sufficiently well for my taste i'm in 1400*900 screen resolution too)

the fact is when (as you have understand) i'm trying to install a more one mod : bugs happens!

was thinking about another possible issue with all my hud mod from gopher,i'll take a look but if it don't work and bugs still present after that,no more worries for me,you tell me the answer!



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here a copy of my load order via fomm for info :



[X] FalloutNV.esm

[X] Badlands.esm

[X] Caliber.esm

[X] ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm

[X] ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm

[X] NV 40k Space Marine Armor.esm

[X] Project Nevada - Core.esm

[X] Project Nevada - Equipment.esm

[X] Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp

[X] Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp

[X] Companion Core.esm

[X] NosCo Companion System.esm

[X] NCCS Nos' Premade Companions.esm

[X] RRCompanionVault.esm

[X] EnclaveCommanderNV.esm

[X] SVSR.esm

[X] Corvega.esm

[X] Kaya47NF.esm

[X] Military NV Backpacks.esm

[X] MoMod.esm

[X] RobCo Certified.esm

[X] SpeedyResources.esm

[X] Survivalist Bunker.esm

[X] B72 Broken Command Unit v3.01.esm

[X] AngelPark.esm

[X] RHKGilbertCompanion.esm

[X] CFWNV.esm

[X] WARZONES - Misanthropy Pure.esm

[X] D.E.I.M.O.S..esm

[X] Psiclones.esm

[X] Rancho Villa.esp

[X] Halo weapons and armor.esm

[X] EZ_CompanionNVSE.esm

[X] decwithreg.esm

[X] AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm

[X] Primary Needs HUD.esm

[X] XRocket.esm

[X] FNNsysNV.esp

[X] [Candora's Box] Sharing & Caring.esp

[X] [Candora's Box] Supreme Commander.esp

[X] [Candora's Box] The Mellenium Falcon.esp

[X] PortableCampStuffNV.esp

[X] All Out Spawner.esp

[X] AOS AlienPack.esp

[X] NCR Pack.esp

[X] AOS Updated File.esp

[X] AOS BOS Pack.esp

[X] MoMod Spawning Tech v2 .esp

[X] V105ExcursionArmor.esp

[X] Bunker109.esp

[X] YangtzeBunkerPlayerHomeV1_5.esp

[X] Readius_NV.esp

[X] PipBoyLight.esp

[X] pipboyx6.esp

[X] URWLNV.esp

[X] EVE FNV.esp

[X] Project Nevada - EVE.esp

[X] Project Nevada - NV 40k Space Marine Armor.esp

[X] NoDegradation.esp

[X] UnlimitedCompanions.esp

[X] PlasmaShields.esp

[X] Level Cap 100.esp

[X] RobCo Certified Friendly Hit Fixer.esp

[X] CFW-PN.esp

[X] NCCS Reinforements.esp

[X] NCCS Silent Companions.esp

[X] BuildableBotsNV.esp

[X] Airship.esp

[X] PowerAmor.esp

[X] AirForceArmorT57C.esp

[X] Colossus Armor For New Vegas (keylek).esp

[X] Colossus NV.esp

[X] Colossus T49.esp

[X] VaultTecPowerArmor.esp

[X] Project Nevada - T49XV Patch.esp

[X] courierpowerarmor.esp

[X] Project13 - Populated Wasteland.esp

[X] populatedcasino.esp

[X] The Mod Configuration Menu.esp

[X] NCRCommander.esp

[X] NCR_squad_Support.esp

[X] Corvega -Electrocity.esp

[X] aaaJNFFalcon.esp

[X] Brotherhood and House Alliance.esp

[X] BAR0NENs FalloutShelters Visible Map Markers.esp

[X] Grave_Digger_v021.esp

[X] Chambre42MotelNovac.esp

[X] MoMod-Aliens.esp

[X] MoMod-Terminators.esp

[X] BAR0NENs FalloutShelters1.0.esp

[X] Fallout NV 2142.esp

[X] Securitron Companion By DigitalSummon.esp

[X] Predators.esp

[ ] Area 51.esp

[X] Area 51 - Project Roswell.esp

[X] Bella.esp

[X] GoodspringsPlayerHome.esp

[X] Goodsprings Shack.esp

[X] QS_StealthBoyMkII.esp

[X] Brahmin Bess_FR.esp

[X] Realistic Portable Tent.esp

[X] bertivird.esp

[X] Wasteland Defense.esp

[X] JoOsArmory.esp

[X] badreaper001's Backup.esp

[X] DriveableMotorCycle.esp

[X] UHNV.esp

[X] Crysis Nano Armor V2.esp

[X] BlackLight NV Mod.esp

[X] 25mm C-10 Canister Rifle Mark VI.esp

[X] Section 8.Prejudice.esp

[X] GoW_NV.esp

[X] F.E.A.R. NV.esp

[X] CONELRAD 640-1240.esp

[X] Munitions explosives.esp

[X] CompanionDe-Equip.esp

[X] SearchlightControlTowerHideOut.esp

[X] FalloutNVCheatTerminal.esp

[X] HoverBoard.esp

[X] MoreShells.esp

[X] PortableCampsite.esp

[X] Hedszot's Weapon Pack.esp

[X] HomeWeaponsPack.esp

[X] SaveCass.esp

[X] AR_Ghost_Marines.esp

[X] badreaper001's Reinforements.esp

[X] badreaper001's Boulder City.esp

[X] AAR-525NV-.esp

[X] badreaper001's Robots.esp

[X] AG Supplementary Uniques.esp

[X] Heavy Combine Armor - NV.esp

[X] SShopItemsNV.esp

[X] FN_SCAR.esp

[X] G36C.esp

[X] P90Nana-set.esp

[X] Tactical Weapon Pack.esp

[X] Tactical Armor Pack.esp

[X] Army Of Two Armor Pack.esp

[X] Operation Mirai - AR20 FAR.esp

[X] Operation Mirai - AR20 FAR CAM.esp

[X] Campement portable.esp

[X] xCALIBRuniverse_ImpulsePurchasePack.esp

[X] SarahConner.esp

[X] Clearhelmets4radsuits.esp

[X] DisplacerRifle.esp

[X] Jetpack.esp

[X] Grim Armor - NV.esp

[X] HDTshop.esp

[X] Spawn Armor.esp

[X] Clone Armor Eps. III.esp

[X] SpetsnazArmor.esp

[X] Sunglasses Shipment.esp

[X] TGsArmorCollectionVegas.esp

[X] Brahmin Companion.esp

[X] NVWillow.esp

[X] SunnyCompanion.esp

[X] aaaJNFCamp.esp

[X] M56SmartGun.esp

[X] Section 8 Content.esp

[X] KillyNV.esp

[X] Crysis Weapons Pack.esp

[X] Marcus Munitions INC - CaliberX.esp

[X] MojangDriveInBase.esp

[X] NVC_Misty.esp

[X] SunValley.esp


[X] Sparten_Armor.esp

[X] tubCrateLiving.esp

[X] RCSS.esp

[X] SC2 armor and weapons.esp

[X] ghoststealth.esp

[X] SC2FemaleGhostFemaleCompanions.esp

[X] TacticalWeapons.esp

[X] fctestun.esp

[X] Kasdar's Medical Injection System.esp

[X] NEVECarmorv1.esp

[X] lexx-q-warehouse-war-house.esp

[X] BunkerBoS.v3.esp

[X] A Case of Devil's Gold.esp

[X] TANKP.esp

[X] RanchRedRock.esp

[X] Bunker de prospecteur.esp

[X] Dog_City3.esp

[X] Fortune Canyon.esp

[X] TheCollector.esp

[X] LothSTGamma_0_9a.esp

[X] EvilSpartanStudios Companion.esp

[X] ColdDeckGiftShop.esp

[X] CornucopiaGroceryStore.esp

[X] JOE'S MERGED 11.esp

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I wouldn't use two pipboy light mods at the same time, I use pipboyx6.esp mod and it's bright enough



[X] PipBoyLight.esp

[X] pipboyx6.esp


I've noticed a lot of people reporting issues with there game that have ELECTRO-CITY or Project Nevada in there game, I'd uncheck them and see how thing's go without them!.


I'd try to run one armor or clothes mod at a time and not several as well as one safe house at a time, there's plenty of decent places in the game to store your gear safely, novac, faction safe houses the sink if you have OWB


When I ran over 70 mods a year ago, I had lots of game lag and game freezes and CTD's, now I run 30 mods

Edited by Craigsters
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hi craigsters!


i'll check for pipboy light,sure i don't need both!


electro city and pn are heavy mods for sure,normal to experienced some issue with them,shame because there are also great mods!

but they seems to work for me.

possible for me to make a choice and delete electrocity(i really don't want to delete pn for now!),i thinking about that but i'm most in the way to keep these mods for now.

and no! i have too much very cool armor mod,i don't want to delete them!

i checked all my gopher's hud menu (not in the upper list) and no,bugs don't come from them!

by past i had near 120 or 125 mods running,lesser that now,so this is a lot of mod wheneven at this time!

i'm not far from ending my heavy modded fallout nv! (a few things to fix now) and then my fallout nv will stay as this! (take me long time to reach the goal!)

for info my data file is near 20 giga,it's a little...heavy!

and as luthienanarion say : i have reached the limit!,in other way,no more mod to install in my game!

(another hard stuff for me soon : same thing for Fo3!)

i do not know if someone else have a lot of mod like me,maybe some other here on nexus or for oblivion game maybe but new vegas?

i hope i'm not the one who reach the limit :) (maybe i'm the craziest to do so then :wacko: !!)


for last i don't have much lag,a very few in some place,a very few ctd and freeze but we all (almost) have that,it's in the game engine!

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Yes the pipboyx6.esp is all you'll need I run that mod in my game as well


Here's all the mods I run












New Vegas Error Corrections Complete - DLC + GRA + NVCE.esm


More Perks.esm <<-----------merged by the NVEC mod



Centered 3rd Person Camera.esp



Easy Hacking and Guaranteed Pick Pocket.esp


Karma-Less Petty Crime NV.esp



ASG.esp <-------- -- Sniper gear by AlexScorpion





Skip DLC - Dead Money.esp

AWOP DLC + GRA Conflict Error Fixes.esp

NVEC Complete Improved Sound FX Patch.esp


Total active plugins: 31

Total plugins: 31



I use the El Swag Bag de Quetzlsacatanango back pack and the Gunslinger outfit and the Wasters Scarf along with the Authority sunglasses and that makes a cool character

Edited by Craigsters
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@ Craigsters : yes! like me and others you're using your own personal modded nv :thumbsup:


i see that we have some same thing like stealthboy mk2 or cheatterminal for example but in final each game are different,also you have all the dlc,not me!

(blame on me for this!)


pretty sure that your character going with your taste (gunslinger outfit , wasteland scarf , etc...) that is The way...of course so that's cool!

i love so much some armor i have that i can't delete them,i use them a lot and like to change them regulary as for lot of my companion too!

that it's just how i like to have my character in game!


for info at this time i have finished adding mod in nv,so "game over" .

i'm afraid to add (lot) mod in fo3 in few time,this will probably make my head "exploding" :wallbash: trying to fix issue,but can't resist to do it! there are also too much cool mod for fo3,i can't miss them...

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I'd consider purchasing fallout new vegas ultimate edition it's worth every penny and All the DLC's and add -ons are worth it except the first DLC , the clothes and weapons are great in dead money, but the rat trap maze of the game sucked


I paid $49 dollars Canadian for fallout new vegas ultimate edition at EB games, I also have it on the xbox, it was $10 dollars more then the PC version

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you're absolutly right about all the dlc,as for ultimate edition,it's worth !

i keep in mind to buy the ultimate edition (or all dlc separatly) ,but later. (also for fo3)


i'm in view for skyrim and one or two others game in the next two months 'cause depend on my budget i must make a choice!

(also i have to repair my "old ruined car"! this will cost me a lot! "too bad"!!!)

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