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Back to FNV mods, need some help


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I really have a yen to play FNV again but I'm struggling with the new methods of adding mods...


I was very comfortable with using NMM, installing NVSE, and using LOOT to sort everything in the past and that worked great for me with no issues in the past.


I know that NMM is not supported anymore.


First time I tried adding mods via NMM (62.5 version), on a fresh install of NV, I had numerous issues, every mod I tried would fail to execute and I would get errors.


I then tried Vortex. That worked very well until I tried to install the Character Overhaul mod, and then I was getting Red Exclamation marks over all the NPCs so obviously some textures failed to load in the right place. Otherwise that seemed to work fine except I don't know how Vortex handles overwriting files...it doesn't ask about that like NMM did.


So what is the easiest way to add in mods right now? Is there a specific older version of NMM i should use, or should I stick with Vortex and try again?

I see there is an Archive INvalidate option in Vortex, I turned that on, don't know how that activates. Also, do I need to use Loot with Vortex?


I don't really want to use a ton of mods , really just want NMC textures, the Character overhaul, Project Nevada, wasteland fauna mod, and the Someguy quest series, and that is really it.


I'm running windows ten, using a steam version of NV, and my computer is powerful.


Any help would be appreciated! Thanks folks!

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From your description, your problems seem to be restricted to mesh/texture errors. Apparently you don't realize you need to toggle "ArchiveInvalidation" off-and-on again after you install any mods that add (or remove) meshes and textures. It's not a "one-time" thing if you are seeing the "red triangles". Please 'Solutions to Mesh (Red "!" icon) or Texture (solid color) problems' section in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.

Learning to use any mod manager involves a learning curve. Once you get familiar with one people tend to stick with it. But it does take spending some time working through it's peculiarities. Don't get discuoraged and stick with it. As Vortex is still in development, raise your problems with their support forum.


LOOT is independent of any mod manager, and yes, you do need to use it with any of them unless you know enough to manually arrange the load order correctly yourself. Even then it helps to get a workable "first draft".



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