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Disguise mod possible?


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So my idea (perhaps this has been discussed before?) is for a mod that lets you disguise your character from being recognized by guards, soldiers, commoners etc. I play a lot of thief type characters and tend to accumulate some high bounties and that got me thinking, why can't I put on a hood and "sneak" into a city without being recognized instantly. Even if there was just one "disguise outfit" that one could wear to go into town and do some purchasing/selling without being arrested. It could be just regular clothing that's unenchantable so you wouldn't want to wear it all the time, and perhaps if you stood by a guard too long he would recognize you. I don't know if this is possible, and I'm sure someone had to think of this before, but just wanted to see what others thought about it.


You could take it further by having multiple disguises and once you are recognized in one of them it won't work again so you have to make/find another. Or if you commit a crime in a disguise it won't work anymore. Or make them a one time use item that disappears after you take it off and is expensive to buy and/or forge.


This may not even be possible to do since I guess you'd need to rework the AI some. I guess it's not possible to have a piece of clothing change your bounty to 0 or something like that? I know anything about modding so forgive me if this is too far fetched.

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Well I did and didn't find anything. I shall look again. Thanks for the angry face and lack of help.


edit: If anyone knows this mod does exist and is feeling helpful could you point me in the right direction? I have searched for disguise, disguises, crime, criminal, thieves, thief, guard, sneak, bounty and bounties and have come up with nothing.


I have also browsed the mod categories stealth, immersion, gameplay effects and changes, overhauls, items and objects (player), and guilds/factions also coming up with nothing.


I browse the files section a lot and haven't seen this mod either. Again I apologize if I am being an idiot here but I can't find the thing, and the only other thread I found in the forums about it just has StuartSmiles telling someone else it exists all ready with no other info.

Edited by thompsonar
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I know of two such mods that can do this for you, though they come with the gigantic caveats that they are also much more than a disguise mod. I'll mention my own, SkBBP, first :biggrin: at:




It's mainly a crafting and item mod, but one of the optionals (Perk Balance) contains a modified Speechcraft tree with a perk to allow the PC to join the Forsworn, Thalmor, Stormcloak, Imperial, and Bandit factions by wearing their appropriate armor.


The second is SkyRe by T3nd0. It's mainly a perk and gameplay overhaul mod (for now), but it has a modified Sneak tree which allows you to also achieve the above functionality. SkyRe:




So yeah, both are much more than a simple disguise mod. But, to answer your question--yes, a disguise mod is very possible and has been created already, by both T3nd0 and myself. Maybe one or both of us will break it out into a standalone mod, but for now that's the best that I know of (the above guard mod also looks nice).


I hope that you find this answer at least somewhat helpful :)

Edited by sukeban
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@sukeban - Thanks I'll check those out. Though I have been avoiding mods that make comprehensive changes to the game (perk trees, and such) but If I can actually finish the main quest in this play through I may test out one of these on the next. Look forward to seeing it as a standalone mod in the future, or at least having options as to what part of the mod too install. I'm all for "modular" mods if you will. There are quite a few mods that I've seen that I really like one part of but some other change keeps me from downloading it.


@stuartsmiles - No problem, I completely understand. I was actually kinda irritable then as well. It bothers me as well when people post things that are easily searchable, I try to always search before posting for this reason. Should have mentioned that I'd searched in my original post. They just weren't named something that made it apparent what they did.

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