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Shadow's Mod Ideas!


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The grinder is quite a good idea, and it wouldn't really be that hard to make I don't think. You could take one of the dwemer cog type things that are animated when you say use a lift, or open one of the big dwemer doors (I believe?), and just add a hopper below it and a lever to activate.


Then it's just scripting work.


Good idea though

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I couldn't make one, but I saw lots of requests and remembered seeing the Dwemer spheres using them.

I think they fire a short dart rather than an arrow.


I was sort of hoping that Mikaelarp might be interested in having a go at it once he finishes the grinder


Yes the spheres use them and I don't know yet if Mikaelarp is doing the grinder the hasn't confirmed it but it would be awesome if he did and judging by his mods I'm sure he could do it.

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The grinder is quite a good idea, and it wouldn't really be that hard to make I don't think. You could take one of the dwemer cog type things that are animated when you say use a lift, or open one of the big dwemer doors (I believe?), and just add a hopper below it and a lever to activate.


Then it's just scripting work.


Good idea though


I like that idea, thanks for the support and suggestion!

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