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[LE] 1 activator, 4 summoning, 7 days of headache...

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WOW!! OMG! That's it!!

Tonight I'll have time to try this with my spell and see if it summons or I need to "placeatme" them.

Thank you soooo much!


And yes, probably I'll have a few more questions about the code but don't want to bother you too much :P so I'll try to pick the good ones...

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Awesome! :smile: And please if you have any questions then ask them all and don't worry about bothering me - I like helping with this, so if you got any questions or want more help then just ask away! That's the way I and we can help you the best! :smile:

Edited by morogoth35
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Awesome! It works perfectly!


Last night I implemented it and gave it a try. I must admit my spell couldn't summon the creatures, for some reason I don't understand it only played the audio file (??...) (the same happened in one of my previous attempts). So I made a stagger aimed spell (0 strenght, 24 area) with the same visuals...

I managed to add the summonFX as a "Hit Effect Art" in the magic effect, so I didn't add the property in the script.


Oh joy, oh joy!


Since it's been too easy so far, I gave a shot at a dual state activator, pillaging that ba***rd of a defaultcastontrigger (or one of its cousins, don't remember which one)


...and it went right!!

So, here's the final script I'm using now:




Scriptname ConjureALotofCreaturesWhereYouWantScript extends ObjectReference  

ObjectReference Property SpellCaster01 Auto
ObjectReference Property SpellCaster02 Auto
ObjectReference Property SpellCaster03 Auto
ObjectReference Property SpellCaster04 Auto

ObjectReference Property SpellTarget01 Auto
ObjectReference Property SpellTarget02 Auto
ObjectReference Property SpellTarget03 Auto
ObjectReference Property SpellTarget04 Auto

Bool property doOnce auto
Spell Property FAKEConjureSpell Auto
ActorBase Property myCreature Auto

auto STATE active
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

If (akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer())

FAKEConjureSpell.Cast(SpellCaster01, SpellTarget01)
FAKEConjureSpell.Cast(SpellCaster02, SpellTarget02)
FAKEConjureSpell.Cast(SpellCaster03, SpellTarget03)
FAKEConjureSpell.Cast(SpellCaster04, SpellTarget04)



gotoState ("inactive")

if doOnce == true



STATE inactive
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

If (akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer())




About the creature: they were EncSkeletons; I removed the weapon, gave them 480 more HP, set them to "unaggressive" "cowardly" "puzzled"; changed their aiData to "csDeer" and Override from behavior graph to "BaseRace" (not sure what I'm doing here). Their only aiPackage is "defaultsandboxcurrentlocation1024" and they have some idlemarker in a cut out navmesh.

Results: they just move around a bit, when they are attacked they start running around startling the other ones and giving good movable target.

I think you can even get them to stay in position changing the aiPackage with some "defaultHoldposition", or you can remove the navmesh from under their feet...


For my questions:

Am I right to say that without the doOnce property I couldn't have fired the else content?

if akActionRef == game.getplayer() it's not just a way to check if it was really the player or someone else, but also to tell the script whether it's been activated at all, is it?

How do I Make a Script block into a Spoiler? Sorry, never been so "social"


Anyway... I really mean to say Thank you! :smile:

You've been kind and helpful and gave me ways to go forward and learn more.




Edited by NoGodMonk
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Am I right to say that without the doOnce property I couldn't have fired the else content?

If I understand your question correctly; if doOnce is set to True, your script stays in the Inactive state. If DoOnce is set to false, your script will return to Active state after 10 seconds. I'd recommend as good practice to always set a default value for int, float and bool properties - like this:

bool property doOnce = true auto

This means that even if you don't fill the bool property manually in the CK, it will still be filled with your default value.


if akActionRef == game.getplayer() it's not just a way to check if it was really the player or someone else, but also to tell the script whether it's been activated at all, is it?

It is just what it looks like; a way to check whether it was the player or someone else activating it. The OnActivate event will only run if your reference has actually been activated, so it's not necessary to check for this (although good practice) unless there's a chance that another reference activates it.


How do I Make a Script block into a Spoiler? Sorry, never been so "social"

Use the Special BBCode button (third button from the left in the upper left corner), and choose Spoiler.

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Sorry for the delay, RL can be a b**ch...

And thanks for your answers, leaving me with a few more doubt...

First and fundamental one: at some point I tried with something as simple as this:

ObjectReference Property xMarker01 Auto
ObjectReference Property ItemCaster01 Auto
Spell Property mysummon Auto

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

but didn't work.

When I saw the code morogoth35 posted I supposed mine couldn't work for the lack of a IF-chek (along the line of my previous question).

BUT... that's not it... so, why mine couldn't work?

My most recent theory is "cause ItemCaster01 was a soulgem (with an EditorRefID) instead of a xmarker" and maybe the cast function can't accept that type of argument.

If not, why that little script didn't work? Where's the catch? I would really like to understand hows and whys of my mistakes.


Thanks again, hopefully I'll be back soon :)

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ooops!... noob mistake, sorry...

but I haven't copy-pasted, and the original name wasn't itemcaster01, I triple-checked that on the original :)...

So the script should have worked?...


Could the problem have been having the script attached to itemcaster itself, the soulgem, receiving an activation by a parent? dwemer button or a primitive, tried both...

But I must say that avoiding parenting and having just the script on one single activator is soooo much more elegant!

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I don't know what's wrong with your setup then. Make sure that your actual spell works and have visual effects so that you know whether it's being fired or not. You can also use the Debug.Notification function to figure out if any part of your script is failing.


If the script is attached to the itemcaster reference itself, you can use

mysummon.Cast(self, xMarker01)

instead, but it's the same result essentially.

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