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ao1212 - BANNED

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ao1212 banned.

Reason for ban: posting comments repeatedly with the intent to insult the staff.

You were warned that public complaints against the moderation are not welcome. Despite the warning you chose to post the following rant:


- ne vous attendez plus à recevoir des posts en anglais, à l'avenir tous mes post seront en français, et ce pour faire travailler les couilloux de Nexus...ne serait ce que aujoud'hui, ils m'ont viré trois images...bande de neuneu...
- et celle ci vous allez aussi me la faire disparaitre...et ne venez pas me dire que la on y voit quelque chose...
- quant à "lady", c'est facile de se cacher derrière un écran et de virer tout ce qu'il ne te plait pas, maintenant tu vas apprendre mon language si tu veux suivre...
- votre methode n'est pas bonne, pas etonnant que plein de modder sont parti d'ici...
- à propos de cette image, j'en ai d'autre bien meilleur, mais comme ici on n'accepte pas les images un peu osé et bien on se retrouve à poster de la merde ou du moins des morceaux d'image...
- voilà he vous souhaite bonne traduction...

Translation from French:

- do not expect anymore to receive posts in English, in the future all my post will be in French, and this is to make work the Caillous (approx. bald ....heads) of Nexus ... only today, they removed three of my images ... bunch of dorks.
- and this one you will also make me disappear ... and do not come to tell me that we see something there ...
- as for "Lady", it's easy to hide behind a screen and remove everything you do not like, now you will learn my language if you want to follow ...
- your method is not good, not surprising that a lot of modders are gone from here ...

When you registered you agreed to follow the rules laid down in the Terms of Service. You were given a link to our Adult Content Policies that explains what type of adult content is allowed and what type of content should not be posted. The fact that you chose not to read these rules and, based on your actions, you believe that the Nexus should operate according to your rules makes your presence undesirable on this site. As membership here is a privilege and not a right, this privilege is now removed.

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