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Once More into the Fray...


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Your dad is Liam Neeson. One the my favorite actors. The movie "The Grey" has an awe-inspiring quote.

"Once more into the Fray...

Into the last good fight I'll ever kow.

Live and die on this day...

Live and die on this day..."


I was thinking about a quest where you follow the trail of dead bodies throughout the wasteland and when you get to the end, its a vicious dog den. And you find bodies of dogs and a bag with a note of that quote. I would thoroughly enjoy that mod.

Also, when your dad dies at Project Purity and tells you to run. I was curious if maybe we could takes the audio from one the the times he says the above quote and replace that dialogue.


Both of these are (In my honest opinion) entertaining and very game-enhancing. I would do both myself, but I am unfamiliar with quests setup and audio files.


Thank you.

Edited by zadow30
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This is a cool idea but like what greywolf said you just need to flesh out rewards for finishing the quest .. maybe you could give the note to a kid which in turn leads you to a cave with a memorial to your dad ( ingame of course ) and there's a bottle of special nuka cola that attracts wolves that would fight on your side .. idk thats just an idea i have :P
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