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Switching gender walk.


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I made a race and I want the males to walk like females and the females to walk like males.

It's a playable race, not an NPC race and I can't figure out how to adjust or change the walking animations.

Anyone know how to do it?

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My guess is that you can't do this for an entire race. You would have to check the box on each individual NPC of the race. (The box that says something about using opposite gender idles.)
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Thank you for your reply.

Before I leave can you think of any way that I could get my character to switch gender walk?

This CK is killing me!!

Finally, I looked over your mod list for both Oblivion and Skyrim and discovered that you're responsible for 2 must haves, one for Oblivion (Tales fromElsweyr)

and Skyrim (Mercy- an absolute must have!)

Thanks for those and all others. I have nothing but respect respect for modders like you.

You guys make these games what they become!!!

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So glad I read this post. Downloading mercy right now. Is it possible to change the gender of the pc without changing the appearance? I mean, I know you can switch genders using the console, I'm just wondering if the body would change too. One time, i equipped a female only armor on a male character and it changed the body to a female body, so maybe the opposite could be true for male only armors, assuming you want to have a male character with fem anims. I know this probably isnt much help, im just throwing ideas out there
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No you can do it for an entire race. In the CK go to the race tab (this is going from memory so sorry if its a bit faulty), right click edit, go through the tabs until you find the spot that you can edit their behavior file (the path being something like data/meshes/actors/character/characters female/defaultfemale.hkx, and actors/character/characters male.hkx), and just switch them around. That way all the males have the behavior files of females (and thus draw on female specific animations files), and vice versa.


Dunno why you'd want to do that...but yea, that's how you do it.

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I made a race that has the males taking on the female role and the females taking on the male one. The most visual way to do that is to switch the walks. That'd be why I wanna do it. It's not a public release so nobody will see it. It's based off the Golden Saints from Oblivion Shivering Isles. The fems were the dominants.

Thanks for your help. I'll give it a shot.





tg08096- Your sig is dead on!!


Thank you all!

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