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Multiple 'schedule' packages in one area


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I've been working on a goodsprrings expansion mod for about half a year and put off the sleep packages due to some of them not working together; now, my question is: is it possible to have multiple "different" sleep packages on the Powder Gangers without the game skipping over them? Or did Obsidian (to their credit) have the right idea by giving up and just placing them all in the saloon?

Right now my idea is to just make them "roam" Goodsprings with the same package so nothing gets skipped, attempting to find a way so they all sleep in different houses without schedule conflicts.

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NPC sleep package with specific bed reference and time schedule -->

NPC with travel package to exterior cell X marker in Goodsprings after sleep package ends-->

Roaming sandbox package or linked patrol package until sleep package schedule starts.


Unless you mean you don't want to make individual packages for each NPC & are talking about the allowed behavior sleeping checkbox in a sandbox package under wander location. I think that's best used for a npc that the player won't be spending a lot of time around or won't have any other npc's around with conflicting packages.

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Ya no matter how hard you try ... you can't make 2 sleep in the same bed LOL.


Specific beds are the key ... not just sleep anywhere in a bed item.


Also you need to toggle archive invalidation ... After Geck work on them ...AI packages can be glitchy if you don't .


Add edit : And I think setting ownership of the bed to them may be preferred , not sure on that. But I remember one time having to do that to get it to work.

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