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Invisibility spell nerf


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I'm playing the game as assassin, and when I finally got invisibility spell, the game started getting boring and too easy.
I'm just holding right mouse button where I have my invisibility spell, go behind target and when I press left mouse button to make sneak attack, I'm releasing right mouse button to quickly become invisible again after I kill the target. Move to another target and repeat and repeat until I kill everything. It's just super boring. I don't get why people cried about invisibility spell nerf in Skyrim, it is still super overpowered with light armor and silence caster perk.

In Predator and Alien vs Predator movies or even games, you can clearly see that something is moving when invisible predator is in front of you or in movies.
It would be awesome if invisibility spell could not grant 100% invisibility, but make you 80% less visible.

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