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Armorer to Smtihing?


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I'd like to see a mod that changes the armorer skill to the smithing skill. In addition to repairing weapons and armor using repair hammers, we could also gain smithing experience by visiting a forge and putting weapons and armor together if we have the right materials. Ingots would be found in random loot across the game, and of course, blacksmith merchants would offer hundreds, if not thousands, of low-level ingots for sale. Ebony and daedric items would require level 100 of this new skill to make, and ebony ore would be uber rare. Iron, steel, fur, and leather would be available at all levels, and depending on your level of smithing skill (e.g. 25-50, 50-75, etc.), you would unlock the ability to craft more valuable weapons and armor.


Of course, the old armorer system of repairing your gear would still be in effect as well. So this shouldn't conflict with any mods that target that vanilla system.


As I look inside the construction set, I can see that each skill has two ways for it to be increased ... only armorer has one grinding option that is still left blank. So there is certainly an opening for someone who knows what they're doing to provide the code for armorer experience by using a forge. At that point, it's simply a matter of renaming the skill from "Armorer" to "smithing" and then re-writing the messages you get when you unlock a perk.

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