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Mod that Removes Inventory Pausing


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This is a pretty simple request... I'd like a mod that stops the usual pause that occurs when you open the inventory/read a book. The thing that prompted me to request this, as strange as it may sound, is that, when using the ScenicCarriages mod here on the Nexus, I wanted to be able to read an in-game book to pass the time. More immersive that way. Unfortunately, when you open the inventory, the game pauses, preventing me from doing that.


If anyone thinks this could be done, I'd very much appreciate someone making it and releasing it on the Nexus.


Thanks a lot,






PS: Mostly new to the Nexus forums, so... hey there! :P

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(Bringing up an old/defunct thread here)

Would like to know if this is possible as well.


It used to work in the older Beth games like Oblivion. You would just add bStaticMenuBackground=0 under the [Display] section in oblivion.ini, but it doesn't work in Skyrim (tried both skyrimpref.ini and skyrim.ini.) Given that the game keeps running while you're in a conversation, I'm sure it's possible without being game-breaking.


I would like it for the difficulty and strategic planning, to be honest.

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