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Shattering the White gold Concordant


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All through the game you hear about this white gold concordant a treaty between the elves and humans. but there must be something the dragonborn can do about it.

giving the thalmor two black eyes and a doughnut cushion to sit on isnt enough. its a big topic in skyrim and yet there is nothing to do with except wallow in the thalmor scorn and stab a few of their justicars. surely someone else must think that the vanquisher of evil would have some idea on modern politics?

let me know what you think?


i understand that this is an ambitious idea but the idea is here for those adventerous modders

Edited by Dylan111
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love this idea maybe make it an extension of the civil war quest line?


that would make sense.



There could be a peaceful way of doing it as well. The mod could make use of the Thalmor Embassy that Bethesda left empty.

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love this idea maybe make it an extension of the civil war quest line?


that would make sense.



There could be a peaceful way of doing it as well. The mod could make use of the Thalmor Embassy that Bethesda left empty.


i think we all prefer to hack an slash the thalmor :D i mean they've really done nothing to help the empire or skyrim. dont you agree?

but i think the thalmor embassy should be used to start it.

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  • 3 months later...

Road Trip!!! I call shotgun (goes looking for his Oblivion KOTN armor) :geek:

The White-Gold Concordant needs to go.

It sounds like a lot of work though, especially if you did include the option of either of the civil war quests.



The Dominion needs to go, at least from the "Imperial" line of the civil war quest.

The Death of Ulfric does not help the Dominion. In fact it makes the Empire Stronger.

And Ulfric would not follow the will of Akatosh, Talos or the rest of The Nine.

( Yes I am one of those players that think that Ulfric is ethnocentric to the point of harming others-- don't need one of those on the imperial throne.) :yucky:

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