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New Blades-style Armor Concept


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I got an idea about a week ago for a cool new armor in the style of, say, a "wandering Blade" evading the Thalmor and have spent a few days editing some images to get the desired look. Now I'm looking to see if anyone would be willing to make it a mod.


Picture: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/imageshare/image.php?id=85658


I will post a sort of "breakdown" picture showing where all the pieces came from and such a little later, but right now I just want to get this idea out there.

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Interesting. A breakdown would be nice, I could do this for you since it's well within my area of knowledge, looks good too.


I'm going to guess:


UNP combination outfit (for the cloak part)

Blades Armor

Arm bandages

Nordplate skirt thingy

Einherjar hood/steel helmet


The boots and the right glove parts have me stumped though.

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Alright, I'll take a look at it tomorrow and see if I can get some sort of working mashup for you to test out and see how you like/dislike


Though, if you have it working in the screenshot, why do you need a mod for it?

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Alright, I'll take a look at it tomorrow and see if I can get some sort of working mashup for you to test out and see how you like/dislike


Though, if you have it working in the screenshot, why do you need a mod for it?

He just edited the picture in photoshop, he can't actually make the armour.

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That looks incredible!! Great job.

Never even thought of that scarf either. Just to let you know, I fully support taking artistic/creative liberties.


P.S. A few things have been nagging at me so I might as well say it now.

1. How will you be able to "send" it to me to try out?

2. Who will upload it (if one of us uploads it) for the actual, full release?

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I'll just send you a mediafire link, and I'll upload it, that way if there are bug fixes I can just do them and update the file



Helm, Body, and boots done. Just the gloves left



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Got it in-game without it crashing, so hooray for that.


Helm clipping is fixed now, still need to fix the hand on the right glove. Probably going to have to go back to square one and manually paint bone weights :wallbash:


And the skirt flap clipping

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