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Winterhold Crash HELP


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Hey guys so in my current play-throughand im at the point in the main quest where you must go to winterhold now i have been there many times before with im pretty sure all the mods i have installed i have no idea why but everytime i teleport or ride into winterhold the game crashes. I have checked the cache files and everything is fine any ideas?


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Can you list your mods in the order they load and your computer specs?


i run an Origin Oasis

cpu: i5 2550k overclocked

psu: 600w

1tb memeory

8gb ram

90gb ssd

Nvidia Gtx 560 ti


but when it comes to mods none conflict with winterhold ill be glad to list them if you belive you will be able to figure it out its just i have a lot lol

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Also i went back into the history of my saves the problem occures when











the greybeards summon you to high hrothgar. before the summon shout i am able to travel there without trouble, after it crashes skyrim

Edited by ThatzFubar
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