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Hi all,

I am using an eat, sleep, drink mod with a darker nights mod.


Now that the nights are really dark i tend to head for a tavern or inn at dusk. this is ok, but there is nothing to do until bed time.


it would be nice if the bards knew more songs or stories.


it would also be great if there were some diversions available, like gambling on dice, or dagger throwing.


just something to entertain or do while waiting.


also, a pack animal that can be led by the reigns would be nice. something that obeys a few commands, such as "wait here"



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Sounds exciting. Makes me think about the way Bethesda created a rather superficial game, one that can't handle daily routine right? I mean, if I was to go to a tavern on a daily basis, I'd just die of boredom after the first 10 minutes...


We should have some chaos going on in those taverns. Like, a feeling of randomness... people coming to sleep over, fights, conversations... sounds amazing

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Legal stuff?


What is illegal in Skyrim. Murder attracts a fine.


How bad can it be to gamble on cock fights and dogs?


Watch "Game of Thrones" and see what life might be like in skyrim.


all i would like is something to do while i am waiting for bed time. the more things the better.



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