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Mod loading but not listed in Plugins.txt

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How is it possible for an ESP that is not starred, or even listed, in Plugins.txt to load ?


Base game, no mod managers in use. I have a published mod that:


"following the PC platform update on 27 June this mod disappears from the Bethesda mod manager load order list, which is now also reported to affect Xbox. The mod is still in the in the library to enable/disable and works fine, it is just invisible in the load order list. That's spooky, but not a problem, as SKK mods are designed to have zero load order dependency. "


The file is listed in DLCList.txt, is there anywhere else that the game keeps a list of enabled ESPs to load ?


Maybe odd posting a bethesda mod manager issue here, but their forums are not so good for tech issues.





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In the same folder as the DLCList.txt, User\AppData\Local\Fallout 4, I also have another file called plugins.txt - but I can't be sure that's not been added by my Mod Manager.


I had a similar issue to yours a while back, and even not listed, my plugins still worked so I didn't pay that much attention. Apparently it fixed itself, but I have no idea how or why.


(I'm still on 1.9.4 - been very careful not to update since the CC)

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The mod is suffering a similar issue with the Bethesda built in mod manager on PC and XBOX that the WAR TAGS mod experienced last year.

Using the built in mod manager you can download, install and enable the mod, but it does not show in the load order and then disables itself when you exit. You can re-enable the mod if you are online, but not if you are offline.

Really odd because it worked fine for a week and re-uploading the original build that had no problems now fails.
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Solved the problem by renaming the mod files from SKKFallout476.ESP to SKKFluffyBunnyRabbit.ESP and it now appears in Plugins.TXT and the Bethesda manager load order.


Just to triangulate, changed the name back to SKKFallout476.ESP and tadaaaa it refuses to be added to Plugins.TXT and therefore not in the load order.


Almost as if there was some sort of block on that specific file name, as if someone at Bethesda also doesn't appreciate irony.

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Well, Bethesda have confirmed that they have no problem with the mod and there is no intervention.


An honest glitch in the mod publishing system.


So the take-away is that if the internal FO4 mod manager is not showing your mod in the load order, just change the .ESP name (auto packing will align the .BA2s) re-upload to the same mod publishing slot.


Problem is that could be (is for 4-76) save-game trashing as its effectively removing the old mod/esp/name and introducing a new mod/esp/name so the users need to be told to uninstall first. Hey ho if it was easy it wouldn't be fun.

Edited by SKK50
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