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I NEED HELP ( Finding Mod Object IDs with Nexus Mod Manager )


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Back then with the various other mod managers there was a way to expand the file in order to find the reference IDs. So it would look like xx1234567. But I can't seem to find that function in the Nexus Mod Manager - Someone help! If there's another way please tell me how to find it!
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You don't find the form ID with Nexus Mod Manager or with any mod manager, you find the form ID using the CK, Skyedit or in game open the console and type - help "name of the item" 4 - but you can find allmost of vanilla form ID here - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=2594


For the non vanilla items you can open the mod with CK, or Skyedit and then check the form ID, then see in your mod manager the load order of that mod and replace the 2 first numbers in the form ID you see with CK.

But if you know the name of the item you can open the console in game and type <help "name of the item" 4> and it show the real form ID.


hope this help

Edited by sergiobor
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