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Waking nightmare glitch (maybe only me ever)


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I have searched quite a bit for the problem I am having for this quest chain and it seems there are a lot of glitches for it, mainly the quest giver/follower disappearing, of course none of them are my issue and was wondering if anyone has run into mine and further more been able to fix it somehow.


on stage 100-110 of waking nightmare (da16) I have to drink a Vaermina's Torpor and do a dream stride. I cross over as I am suppose to, when I get there there is 2 guys talking as they are suppose to, after they finish the first couple of sentences they just stare at me and say nothing. I have tried reloading a save and the same thing happens, I have tried forcing completion and no go, I have tried resetting the quest and it just happens again. I am out of ideas so anyone who knows what is going on at that moment and can give me something useful I would much appreciate it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey both, don't know if you've tried this, but I find sometimes with NPCs who are "stuck" when you need them to speak or move etc to advance a quest then you can sometimes make them work by:


- open console

- click NPC

- "disable"

- "enable"


I had a HUGE amount of trouble with Esbern on my first runthrough, when he wouldn't speak or carry out any actions when I was supposed to get him to Riverwood. In the end I probably disable/enabled him about 100 times on that journey but we got there in the end ;)

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that part of waking nightmare isn't glitched or bugged

you just need to listen to that conversation and they will tell you what to do


it can be a little unclear so if you are still stuck



you have to go from where the 2 cultists have the conversation back up the tower to where the barrier is and pull the chain, then pick up the soul gem to remove barrier and proceed with the quest


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that part of waking nightmare isn't glitched or bugged

you just need to listen to that conversation and they will tell you what to do


it can be a little unclear so if you are still stuck



you have to go from where the 2 cultists have the conversation back up the tower to where the barrier is and pull the chain, then pick up the soul gem to remove barrier and proceed with the quest



Unfortunately, I am unable to do this. Something doesn't trigger that allows me to move or do any action whatsoever. I have now run into this problem on three separate quests. the other two I have been able to overcome this with console commands, but this one still eludes me.

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Hey both, don't know if you've tried this, but I find sometimes with NPCs who are "stuck" when you need them to speak or move etc to advance a quest then you can sometimes make them work by:


- open console

- click NPC

- "disable"

- "enable"


I had a HUGE amount of trouble with Esbern on my first runthrough, when he wouldn't speak or carry out any actions when I was supposed to get him to Riverwood. In the end I probably disable/enabled him about 100 times on that journey but we got there in the end ;)


Dang, I had high hopes for this one.

I tried this but sadly to no avail. Thank you though for the idea.


If anyone is interested, I went into much further detail on this problem on another forum Here. I have already gotten some good responses, but no fix yet.

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  • 4 weeks later...
You are not alone my friend!! I'm experiencing this exact problem! It seems to be that in quests which require an NPC to initiate a conversation with me, they are unable to so. I also experienced this in other quests during this play-through. I'm going to try the disable/enable solution offered above and see how far I get. I'll let you know the results.
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use ` and then type "enableplayercontrols"

now, use "kill" on the ppl and reset the quest the part you were at (go to uesp to find the quest codes)

resurrect them with the "resurrect 1" command.

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