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REAL carrying. No, but REAL.


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Now that the bags and pouches mod is out, I think the time may have come for this community to create a realistic carrying mod, one that could be integrated with the new bags and pouches and bring some realism to the carrying system.


When I talk about a realistic carrying system I do not mean the "90 pounds for bosmer, 120 pounds for orcs.." kind. Nay. What I mean is a what-you-can-actually-carry type of mod. No more going around with half a dozen 2h weps that happen to weight 119 pounds out of the 120 you can carry. No more invisible items inside your invisible 4th dimensional backpack.

Everything would've to be visible: you can carry your current armor, maybe a 1h wep in each side then something in your back, whether that's weapon, bear pelt or a dwemer column. You could carry a couple books hanging from your belt, or in a pouch, and the same thing scrolls and potions.


In order to move the heavier stuff around, I'd thought about turning the travelling carriages into hirable heavy-duty transportation resources, then protecting them all the way from dwemer ruins to your destination.


So, watcha think

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I'm thinking way too much work.


We already have Armed to the Teeth which allows unequipped items to be shown on your character, but it's very apparent that while it's very cool and I love it myself, using that script on all vanilla items causes the game to become seriously unstable. It's just too many scripts at the same time.


If we would apply that concept to not just the weapons and armor but ALSO books, pelts, dwemer scraps... you name it... the engine just wouldn't be able to handle it.


All in all, too damn complicated, and sounds a bit tedious imo.

Edited by Adrius2
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So it wouldn't be capable of handling a couple potions, one or two weps and a handful of scrolls? I'm not talking about displaying 250 pounds worth of stuff, just like 6-10 different items. If it can't handle such thing, well then the whole system in charge of displaying is a bit dumb IMO.


Could you please give in depth explanation of how the scripts make the game unstable? It'd be greatly appreciated :D

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It's not about displaying them, it's the fact that every item in the game would require a script in order to make them show up on your character. Even if they aren't equipped they still have the script.


No, I'm not a modder, just an avid user of mods. I can't go into detail on game mechanics, I lack the knowledge.

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Ehh... I'm sure someone more knowledgable than me will walk by this thread and explain.


I mean, nothing's impossible, I'm just pretty sure that most modders will think the amount of work required for something like this just ain't worth it.

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yeah I mean, I need someone to explain me what's the whole point in scripting for some concrete things, like wearable items. Wouldn't it be easier just to pick the item and physically place it somewhere in your char?


wouldn't it make sense just to "get over" scripts?

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But dude, there's a limit of slots for equippable items on the characters. There's a head slot, a torso slot and so on.


If you don't want the apple that you wanna carry to replace your pants, you'll NEED advanced scripting. That is what mods like Armed to the Teeth does.


Which is why what you're asking for is immensely complicated. You can't just "get over" scripts, everything that falls outside normal Skyrim behaviour is done by scripting.

Edited by Adrius2
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