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I had a mod on my old computer for oblivion that was a portable home that would pop up a stone slab with I think a lions head on it and when you went inside there would be a chest right there to put stuff in, a bed, tons of storage, and was all around cool. I know the exit looked like an oblivion gate and made a weird growl sound on exit. If you know what the name of this mod is and where and I can get it I would be very grateful. If you have it but don't know where to find it online (and are able to send it to me) you can send it to [email protected] Thank You



P.S. This was not a 1 room place I believe it had 3 rooms, 1-3 desks, 6-8 dressers, 2-3 jewelery boxes, and a big round table

Edited by Gamore01
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