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Can't enable xmarker to enable world objects

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I'm in the process of making my mod, and so one of the things it does is restore the option to sell the emancipation proclamation to hannibal hamlin. I spawned all necessary world objects all with the xmarker but I have one problem now; I don't know how to enable the xmarker to enable the objects.


The idea is this:

1. Acquire object.

2. Sell object to Hamlin via the MS06LincolnArtifacts quest.

3. Object appears in an unreachable container.

4. The object will spawn/despawn in accordance to when the object is in the container.


It could also work as just enabling the xmarker and thats it, but I would prefer the above method.

Thank you.

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Well for starters , Xmarkers enable other refs by setting it as an Enable Parent from that tab on the Reference window of the object you want to be a child.


But no need for that if it is only one object you want to enable ... which I guess is this "MS15EmancipationProclamation" after selling this "CapPresEmancRolled" ?


And it looks like all the dialogue and scripting is there in the vanillia to sell it.

Which does 2 things besides give player caps.

It gives the item to Hannibal , and sets a quest variable.

So instead of tracking the item ending up in a container ... you could just check the quest variable like this.




If GetQuestVariable MS06 SoldEmancipation == 1






But you could also put in a second condition like how much time has passed , in order to simulate it took them a while to enshrine it.

Is it getting put at Rivet city like some of the other documents ?

Cuz looking at that , I'm not sure exactly what they are doing there. But anyways you would want it to have it's own scripting and not mess with the vanilla stuff.

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Thank you, but firstly it tells me that "all scripts must begin in a begin/end block" I believe that is the "Begin On X" thing. What block do i use? It would be greatly appreciated if you would give me the whole script just to make sure I don't mess up. I'm not the best with scripts, but when I don't know what I'm doing, I don't touch anything.

To answer your question, the emancipation proclamation was completely cut from the game. No world model exists in the final game except in the GECK. Once sold to Hamlin it is enabled in the Lincoln maintenance room.

Edited by BATTERup646
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Is the Lincoln maintenance room an addition of your's ... cuz I don't have it in the vanilla Fallout3.esm .

But it doesn't really matter where you place the static object "MS15EmancipationProclomation"

And I just added "Ref" to that name which is the usual naming procedure . All your preference though , cuz it is your mod.

Ya I left out the Begin block because I'm not sure what type of script you are already running ?

I'm not that familiar with the quest either. So what ever Idea you have could probably make work out.


Is it still suppose to work if you sell it to Leroy and Abraham also ? Cuz will have to do some scripting with those also. Well maybe the only one would be selling to Leroy , cuz he wants to burn it right ?

Hehe ... maybe that is why they cut it :huh:

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The quest is an unmarked quest called "Lincoln's Profit Margins" its not mandatory. The maintenance room was where you met Leroy. It works for Leroy, but its lost once you sell it to him (at least for now). The script is just supposed to spawn three items, one of which being the emancipation proclamation, if that helps. You were correct on the previous script, but if the info I gave you could help you understand the block needed?

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So "Lincoln's Profit Margins" is a quest you made ? And what do you mean it spawns 3 items? It uses a "PlaceAtMe" command in a script ?


Because I would say , first you just place the items ...


1-The "CapPresEmancRolled" which is a misc item and what the player can pick up. And assuming you put that in one of the safes at the national archives ? But doesn't matter where you put it , just that the player will find it. Then when they talk to Hannibal , Abraham or Leroy ... they then get dialogue option to sell it.


2-The "MS15EmancipationProclomation" which is the static object of it placed on a wall. But that is the base-ID . And when you place it in the world , it then becomes a Ref-ID. Which normally you just take the base-ID and add "Ref" to the end. So then you can call that ID in a script. Since when you placed the object , you marked it "Initially disabled" on the Reference window.


What is the 3rd object you said your quest spawns ?


But anyways a simple Quest script with 1 hr wait time could look like this.



SCN LincolnProfitMarginScript
int DoOnce
int GetVar
float fTimer
Begin GameMode
Set GetVar to MS06.SoldEmancipation
If DoOnce == 0 && GetVar == 1
Set DoOnce to 1
If DoOnce == 1
Set fTimer to fTimer + GetSecondsPassed
If fTimer >= 3600 ; this is 1 hr real time
Set DoOnce to 2
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Lincoln's profit margins is an unmarked quest, so it doesn't appear in the pipboy. You can choose not to do it and won't affect 100% completion.

Thank you, but the script doesn't seem effective. It didn't give me a warning, so it's valid but the objects don't spawn somehow.


Actually I just remembered something, is the is the timer affected by waiting? I have been making my character wait so the objects can spawn. Do I have to make one hour real time go by?

Edited by BATTERup646
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