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Weird Transparent Square


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Hey guys, I wonder if you could help me. Whenever I enter an area with fog, a giant transparent square, with more saturated colors appear. It is really annoying. Does anyone has a clue abou what could it be? I alredy tried changing the graphics options using the game launcher, but I guess I'll have to do more than that.

My game is modded, but I also tried it out without mods.


Sorry for my english, and thanks in advance.


screenshots: https://photos.app.goo.gl/7PbDEHxbP5XoeTMA7



My PC is pretty decent running with a GTX 970, 8 GB RAM, and an i7.


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It's some issue with mods affecting fog and haze. I've seen something like this in my game, too. In my case, playing around with different weather/lighting mods and their load order almost completely solved the issue.

Also make sure you got the latest version of "Realistic Water 2", if you're using it. It somehow also affects fogs above or near water surfaces.

Maybe posting your load order would make it easier for others to help you with this.


Sorry if this post sounds quite vague, but from my experience it's a thing of testing and "trial and error".

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