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PC's Vs Mac

ramses niblik 3

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Proudly biased statement:


Anyone with a Mac should die now.


For several reasons:


(1) The things are just hideous

(2) The mouse has only one button

(3) The interface is horrible

(4) The fashions (iFruit or whatever) are disgustingly unattractive


There is no defense, save suspension of good judgement, to buy a Mac.

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Well, no one makes viruses for macs, but that is one, ONE, good thing.


Most games are uncompatible with macs


The mouse has one friggin button


Things come out for windows usually, and if the mac people are lucky they'll get a port.


Hah! Windows beat you macses!!!



(do not take this statement as a sign of me liking micosoft. I hate the company and Bill Gates. Goodbye.)

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I'm sensing that this is going to be nothing more than a mac bashing thread, so before it's locked I'm gonna jump on the band wagon.


Foremost is the cost. They are way overpriced and if anything breaks and it isn't under warranty well you can kiss some well earned money out the window. You could build your own PC that could outdo their best model for much less.


Yes the mouse sucks, but they do make two button mouses for macs so that isn't so much of an issue anymore.


PC's = worldwide staple of computer use by pretty much anyone, especially since it costs a lot less for software companies to make programs for Windows since they are appealing to a much greater user base.


Games games games...Mac's just don't do games...period


The commercials. PC users would never see their product in a commercial that was made to look like a VW bug ripoff. I needn't say more on that subject.


So if you value your technological well being you'll go with a PC


Though I too think Windows sucks the big one, if time travel were possible, Bill would be first on my list.


...oh wait i forgot Diablo II can be run on a Mac forget everything I said...I mean why buy a PC when I can pay twice as much to kill hordes upon hordes of demons in the hope that one will drop that Buriza i've been itching for!! (in case you didn't know i'm being sarcastic)

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1) The cost. For the cost of a mac, I can buy a gaming pc and at least one pc just to do rendering (if not 2 or 3!). That's pure insanity. A pc can do everything I want to do for much less cost, so why would I buy a mac?


2) Limited software. This is simple fact, macs have very limited software options. It's true for games, it's true for everything else. And a lot of what they do get is poor or delayed ports of pc titles.


3) Performance is less than impressive. For their cost, macs should produce amazing performance. But they don't. Especially with 3d rendering, which is even worse than other areas.... they simply lag far behind pcs in that area.


4) The ugly expensive cases. It's just stupid. Not only do they look ugly, but adds to the cost. Give me a plain gray box and a few hundred $$$ extra in my bank account.


5) No hardware option. Buy mac or buy nothing. Compared to pc with tons of competing manufacturers, so you have everything you could want at a lower price.


6) Limited upgrade options. Getting behinds with a mac? Buy the next one. Getting behind with a pc? Go to the local hardware store and buy an upgrade or two. Reuse all the parts that don't need upgrading.


7) Infinite compatability problems. Want to use the same files/software on pc and mac? Has hell frozen over yet?




Now let's look at the good side.... uh....


1) Something about better performance with photoshop.

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How many of you here learned how to use a computer at school? Was that computer a Mac? 'nough said.


I ever claimed my school had good judgement?



(I didn't, and they don't)

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i was kinda hoping that there would be a mac user out there to argue with, but you all still seem to be paying macs out pretty good so i'm happy, i salute you.


this is the first ever debate i've been in where everyone agrees


oh yeah, wesaynothing


at our school there is a whole heap of macs with viruses on them, looks like the one good thing about macs in this debate just went down the toilet.


oh yeah, peregrine, maybe I shouldn't double post. thank you for being a kind generous moderator and not banning me for my betrayal of the forum.

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