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I've recently updated my OBSE to verison 20 and when I tired to run the OBSE loader it says that I am Missing FastMM_FullDebugMode.dll and I can't use the OBSE loader. The Regular Oblivion works fine but 80% of my Mods Use OBSE can someone tell me what this file is and how can I get a copy? I've also Re-Installed it and it still gives me the same message when I run the OBSE loader.
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A search on my own machine (Win XP) didn't have FastMM_FullDebugMode.dll in either C drive or G drive where my games are installed and I have OBSE version 20 installed and running correctly. When you updated did you delete the old dll and exe files (or just dll files if you use Steam)? Did you download your version 20 from the official Oblivion Script Extender home page?


A Google search for your FastMM_FullDebugMode.dll turned up a number of hits, including this one from systemexplorer.net. What I don't like to see in their report is this:

Our database contains 7 different files for filename fastmm_fulldebugmode.dll but just single file is in compliance with defined attributes.

That means there are six files that aren't in compliance with defined attributes. They don't say it but I read that as possibly hijacked to carry a malicious payload.

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Also what OBSE "plugins", like Pluggy, OBGE, OCPS, etc., are you using? OBSE 20 itself doesn't require such file, as it has something to do with memory management and maintanance, however OBSE plugins very well could require additional DLLs, depending on what they are.


For reference, an OBSE plugin is another DLL file or more inside the folder "Data/OBSE/plugins" or something like that. It is "not" to be confused with the games' actual plugins, ESP or ESM files.

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  • 1 month later...

I just had this same issue after downloading Colourwheels sexy skyrim outpost. im going to remove it and see if that helps.



Ok it was the oblivion stutter remover not Colourwheels. I deleted that and the issue was resolved.

Edited by wtb300
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  • 7 months later...

I'm having the same error now that I installed pluggy and cobl,does anyone have such .dll or I'll have to remove the mod(s)?



Nevermind,I've read the post above and I'm going to remove the mod,sorry for anything.


RE-EDIT: I've removed all the osr related files and I still get the error,so I still need help if possible

Edited by Baconsama
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  • 2 months later...

I also have the same error message. I had dwnldd Colourwheels and a couple of other similar mods, and noticed a blip in the download process. I immediately got one of those FBI system-stopping malwares. This may clarify the comment about hijacked with malware. I have wiped my system, rebuilt it off of another login ID, dumped my entire build (sniff!) and have just started agaiin. To date I have: obse_20 which holds:

  • OBSE Version:
  • BorlndMM.dll Version:
  • debugMM.dll Version:
  • Elys_USV.dll
  • MenuQue.dll
  • OBSE_Elys_Pluggy.dll
  • OBSE_Elys_Uncapper.dll
  • obse_jail_fix.dll
  • sr_Oblivion_Stutter_Remover.dll Version:

Then, on the Wrye Bash side I have (from the BOSS log):

  • Oblivion.esm Active
  • Cobl Main.esm Version 1.72 Active
  • Cobl Races TNR.esp Version 1.53 Active
  • Cobl Races TNR SI.esp Version 1.53 Active
  • Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp Version 3.4.3 Active
  • UOPS Additional Changes.esp Version 3.3.7 Active
  • Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp Active
  • DLCShiveringIsles.esp Active
  • Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp Version 1.5.2 Active
  • USIPS Additional Changes.esp Version 1.4.4 Active
  • Streamline 3.1.esp Active
  • Cobl Glue.esp Version 1.72 Active
  • Cobl Si.esp Version 1.63 Active
  • Cobl Tweaks.esp Version 1.44 Active
  • Knights.esp
  • Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp Version 1.1.3
  • Salmo the Baker, Cobl.esp Version 3.08 Active
  • Harvest [Flora].esp Version 3.0.0 Active
  • Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.esp Version 3.0.0 Active
  • Deadlier Sneaking 1.1.esp Active
  • Item interchange - Extraction.esp Version 0.76 Active
  • Item interchange - Placement.esp Version 0.76 Active
  • Item interchange - Option, Ingredients in Bulk.esp Version 0.76 Active
  • Item interchange - Option, Ingredients in Bulk, reduced.esp Version 0.76 Active
  • Cobl Races.esp Version 1.52 Active
  • Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp Version 1.53
  • Cobl Silent Equip Misc.esp Version 01 Active
  • Bashed Patch, 0.esp. (BOSS comment removed for brevity)

I am running GOTY w/SI and KotN. Please help - I am rather new at this, tried once with obbm, once with WyreBash, and this is my second w/Wyre Bash. I am baffled, as I have not gotten even close to the download that may/maynot have caused this. Short of wiping again and starting fresh, I am out of ideas. I have also gotten a CTD error relating to a 'just-in-time debugger not installed. I don't know if they are related or not I am thinking not, as the j-i-t error was why I moved away from obbm (fyi). Hope all this helps.

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