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Technical Modding Help Section


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Where are technical questions about creating things via Creation Kit/Geck/other tools supposed to go? For Skyrim I have been using mod troubleshooting, but it looks like it is meant more for mods that are already released and not your own. It would be nice to have a very technical oriented place to post problems scripting/using the tools to make new content similar to what Bethesda has on their forums for questions about the creation kit.
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Mod talk would be my guess, there are plenty of questions related to creation in there. Once you have a 1000 downloads on something then you get access to the modders board.


Edit: Never mind, I see you already have access, I'll go and lay down in a darkened room. :facepalm:

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@cynster; Wow! I've been using the Nexus for over two years, and just assumed that all the different game forums were laid-out using the same pattern. Since my focus is DA/DA2, which do have mod "Builder Troubleshooting" sub-forums, (as does "Witcher") I hadn't realized that the others didn't.


Good suggestion for Dark0ne, since I don't think anyone else on Staff would go adding a whole new forum category. :thumbsup:

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I have, thank you Buddah. Sometimes I have some issues that aren't covered completely in the tutorials and it's nice to ask someone, especially someone who is checking the more technical questions rather than troubleshooting existing mods or talking about mod ideas. I'm using the Bethesda Creation Kit forum for that now, but it would be really nice if we had something like that here since I spend most of my time here.
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