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Dragons Crash landing


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Can dragons only crash land on the Kyensgrove mission because i've seen some people talking about dragons "crashing". On anothing note, anyone got some dragon stories?


Heres mine.

ONe time I was running the short distance between Soltiude and the Harfingar Stormcloak engagement (WARZONES). So I get there and i'm an imperial, theres about 200 people on each side and theres arrows flying everywhere. Basic combat music stops and the dragon music somes on. But i can't see anything. Battle continues for about 4 minutes then I see it. ONly I see it firstly. The area goes black around me and everyone stops and draw bows. Next I hear it, roars overlap each other as arrows shoot into the sky like machine guns. The whole area is bathed in fire and frost. It crazy. and hour of battl later and most of the dragons dissappear. Killed or bugged away.

However, theres still three. One is stuck in a tree, its tail anchored in the ground, i slay that one and it bugs into the ground, twitching in the ground and then I catapulted away, catching me. We fly seemingly away and I check the map and we seem to warp to whiterun and back in about 5 second.

I'm lolling hard by now. The dragons head is caught in its tail and it just spins around into the sky and dissappears before crashing back to the ground. The other dragon is moving super slow, decending slowly. IT keeps decending untill it sinks into the ground never to be seen again.

The last one is flying around in the sky extremely quickly. No war was i going to hit it, I watched as it fleww really quickly away, dissappearing into solitude.. gone forever.

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Well, I have Deadly Dragons, so I don't know if this affects the situation (probably so) but I just stepped out of the great lift at alftand when I heard a dragon. I looked around but could not see it and the red dot did not show up on my compass. I thought, "huh" and started walking down the path. about 4 seconds later a dragon falls at my fee, dead. No cinematic slide, just plop. And gives up its soul. Sot sure what killed it, but it wasn't me!


I've had dragons crash land several different places before I used deadly dragons. I like the effect, I think it adds realism. especially when the dirt covers the treasure and you can't get to it....

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It's not unusual for a dragon to get killed by outside forces either. There's a dragon wall in Riften near Arcwind where you can hardly ever kill the dragon because he gets distracted by the Frost Trolls on the other side of the mountain too easily. Then you go around the mountain looking for the dragon and end up waking up an ancient dragon that resides at Arcwind who can't be bothered with you because he's too busy attacking draugr deathlords and death priests (depending on your level).
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Best Dragon Crash for me happened just a little while ago actually. It was a low leveled dragon guarding one of the exterior word walls that I was sent to find ages ago. He lifted into the air at our approach and Vilkas shot him down to wounded with a pair of arrows. The dragon then takes the time to do a u-turn in the sky after its "OW!" rawr and crash lands straight into its word wall. It gets stuck that way, head wedged into the ground under the word wall and bum to the sky. Unfortunately the fight was too quickly over after that to take a screenshot and when it got skele'd it somehow rose up out the ground and flopped over into a much less entertaining pose.
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Funny to see this post. Playing last night I got attacked by two dragons while wandering the Reach. Took them both out with bow and arrow while they were flying. Both crashed and dug the dirt up, but from opposite directions and the dragons wound up almost beside each other. Posted a pict on image share because it was the weirdest thing thats happened to me in a while.
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How come I never get crash landings, you guys have the most fun! :P


Well, based upon one of your other posts I'd say the reason you never get crash landings is because you can one-shot anything in the game. Am I right?


Seriously, any dragon which is wounded enough will rise into the air, usually circle, and then crash land, plowing up the dirt in a long line. This will usually happen close to the Player, since the dragon is, theoretically, coming down for a "real fight", to use Sahloknir's words. There will be no crash landing if the dragon is somehow killed in mid-flight. At least I've never seen this happen.

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I used to have a lot of dragons crash land when I was originally on the 360, but now on the PC I can't seem to get any dragon to crash land.


The dragon lair somewhere around the Fall forest was where I had my first dragon crash land. It was a nice thing to see, though not for the dragon though. :biggrin:

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