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gold/weight ratio autolooter.


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Would be great if someone could make something like this. Pseydocode to clarify what I mean (bodies count as containers, right?):



if configurable_value is not set by player then configurable_value = playerlvl * 2

for each container in pickup reach 
for each item inside container
 if not stolen
  if (coin_value / weight) > configurable_value 
   if player_carrying + item_amount * item_weight < player_max_carry_capacity
    pickup item && 
    out_string = out_string.", ".item_amount." ".item_name 
if out_string.strlen > 5 
 echo "Picked up: ".out_string


( and if possible the same "for each item in reach / on floor" )



oops, got a little carried away with that useless pseydo code there sry xD

anyway, hope something like this isn't too hard to do, no idea how skyrim mods work.

Edited by donotbugme1
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