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Game freeze evert 1 minute


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When it freezes does it recover on it's own? (This would be a pause and not a full freeze)

or do you have to exit the game & restart?

or do you have to reboot the computer to recover?

Did it ever work properly?

Did this start after installing a particular mod?

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1.i3-2310, 4GB, nVidia GeForce GT520M, 1GB

2., medium setting, antialiasing off, filtering off, texture medium,radial blur low, shadow low, decal medium, fxaa check, all view distance fade below 4, distance object detail fade uncheck.


3.skyrim.esm, update.esm, 3rdEraWeaponMoS.esm, JSword.esm, LevelersTower.esm, ApachiiHair.esm, SkyrmURWL.esp, Dragonbone Weapon.esp, Dragonbone Weapon - Faster Arrow.esp, 3rdEraWeaponsMoS.esp, DeadlyDragons.esp, DeadlyDragonsSpells.esp, DeadlyDragonsArmory.esp, ShadowRemover.esp, Uncle Sheo.esp, apocalypse.esp, Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp, JoOMassLighting.esp, Killmove +.esp.

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Pausing for a few seconds at a regular interval doesn't sound like a mod to me. It sounds more like a background process that is checking something at that rate. Make sure all background processes - especially any that go on the internet are shut down. Such as IM programs. Note that just turning off internet access doesn't stop such programs from trying to access it.


I have also sen something similar caused by a stuck magic effect in the game that would occur at a regular interval.

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I ve the same problem.


I think i'v identyfied the problem: savegame are too heavy (46Ko and 231h played)


I began a new game and no freeze, no ctd.


But a don't wanna lose my main save x)


Damn i just realized that. When i save, it takes too long to save. And i just checked my save game is 2.5GB. So there's no way but to delete all the save game?

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