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esp editing


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Im a total n00b when it comes to TES editing, but I just tought it was a shame the telvanni stronghold is inside an area of lava and ash, so I "relocated" the stronghold to an island.

Everything went fine, untill I started playing the game.

I noticed that some NPC's are duplicated, also cows and chickens are duplicated.


I think this has to do something about merging the diffrent master files.

Now my .esp file has about 5 .esm files in it's parent masters column.


Since Ive only changed some ground, trees, buildings, I have no need for most of those .esm files in the column.

So I think removing them will fix the duplication problem.


I just dont know how to remove .esm files inside the parent masters column of an .esp file.



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no, the esp is referring to several other esm files, using some new items from those esm files.

But I dont need those items, I so I want to remove the esm files that the esp file is referring to.


When you open your morrowinf data files and click on a esp file, you can see on your right a column with master files.

I want to remove some of those esm files to prevent duplication.


edit (its not actually deleting the esm file, its just stopping the esp file to use those esm files)


so how do I do this?

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hey man,

Check this site and download TESDTK.

It allows you to change what .esm files a plugin requires.

it can also change an esp to an esm and vice versa! Its very handy! :D

it requires a Java friendly envoirmant, i think you can get 1 on the site if you don't have 1! ^_^


Argent's mod page

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