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Inviso skin head


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Hello all!

This is a pic of an argonian that has had better times........and skin.

I have been looking in the .nif file to see if it happened to be anything in there that may be doing this, but, have not found a thing.

I have been looking online and I have seen that this same thing happens when you are trying to make an argonian in the CK.

It is also only the male head that does this, the female head works just fine and has no texture problems in this......state

Would anyone know what it could be that is making this happen by chance, or any idea as to how to make a fix? Thank you!


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Did you try actually giving him a mother? LOL




Basing a new race off of a body mod for females sometimes backfires for the male race. Did you use a body mod fo the female version? It would sometimes try and attack the male version, which can cause... whatever this is.

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Did you try actually giving him a mother? LOL




Basing a new race off of a body mod for females sometimes backfires for the male race. Did you use a body mod fo the female version? It would sometimes try and attack the male version, which can cause... whatever this is.


No I am not making a new race.

This is an argonian from the base game BaseID 0001403E.

I even re-installed the game to make sure it was a fresh base, then the only mod I put on was Dance of Death(to test decap), and the same result occurred.

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