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Is there a way to use the console to un-fail a mission and make the Brotherhood stop hating me?


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*story spoilers


So I intended to do the Institute finale and then relaod for the Brotherhood finale (I was actually doing the brotherhood questline but just decided to do the Insittute finale mission). Well, long story short when I started the institute mission I got mad and quit the game for a year and a half. Since I uninstalled it, I think I lost every save except the ones that were after I became part of the Institute faction, so now the Brotherhood shoots me on sight while I walk around Boston.


I was wondering if I could use console commands to unfail the mission Liberty Reprimed and make the Brotherhood stop hating me so I can go about everything as if I was never with the Institute.


I haven't checked if Dance is f***ed up because of this yet, but I still need to do the last part of his quest too.

Edited by SamJaa
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Doubtful. Sure there are commands to make the faction like you again, then you could try and jump start the quest using console commands... But, it'd likely be screwy, to many interconnected quests/objectives.

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