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need help,,stuck in GOD-MODE


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I was playing in SKYRIM,,and i had to fight this dragon,,,and could not beat him,,,so i tried the ,,GOD MODE now that helped but now i,m i cant get out of ,GOD-MODE,,,and its no fun playing this way,,,i used the key pad for god mode ,,,and when i try to turn it off it says off ,,but its not,,,,PLEASE,,PLEASE,,PLEASE can some one help me in this,,,it makes the game no ,,FUN,,,, Edited by canadarocks
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Do you mean the tgm console command?



Sounds like he's using a trainer that is implementing the TGM command. Why else would he be using his "key pad"?





Things to try...


1. Try typing the command yourself. Hit the ~ (tilde) key, type TGM and hit enter. TGM = (toggle god mode).


2. Go back to a save before you used the TGM command. You must have saved with god-mode activated and it messed up your save file. It's okay to use it, just make sure you deactivate it before you save to avoid problems.

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,,THANKS ,,for your help,,i dont know how far back it is now,,,but its now to far back,,,what i have done is ,started a new game ,,remaved all my old saved games,,and all mods,,i find mods mess my game up,,,now using PS3,,,,,OR,,,,XBOX,,well they are the same,,but ,,,,PC are are all not the same,,so MODS do mess yopur game up,,SORRY I CANT SPELL GOOD,,there are lots off realy cool mods out there ,,and somany stupid ones to,,i had to start my SKYRIM game all over becuse of mods ,,,to much to type ,,and telll you what happend ,,its a shame ,,i used lots of cool mods ,,,,SOME PEAPLE ,CAN USE THEM ,,I CANT ,,,it mess up my game,,like i said ,,,XBOX,,,,PS3,,ae the same,,PC,,are not what i,m saying my pc cant handle mods,,BACK YO USING GOD,MODE I only used it once to fight a dragon,,,,i,m on a new game,,,,CHEATING,,takes all fun out of the game,,,man i hate typing,,,,AGAIN THANKS,,,,,,SO YOU THINK ITS OK TO USE ,,THAT CONTROLL ON MY PC,,,OKI WILL TRY IF I NEALY NEED TO,,then i will disable it befor i save
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